My Summer Vacation in Europe
My summer vacation started early this year with a whirlwind trip to the coasts of Spain, Italy and France. I should probably start by saying that most sane people would not take on so many cities. After the last post, many emailed or said in passing, "Boy, that's a lot to take on."Your were right.
The idea for the trip started with a cruise through the Western Mediterranean. As we researched the area, Mark suggested that we add on a couple days on the front in Barcelona and on the back in France. In theory it was a good idea. But the temptation to "see it all" really took it's toll.
Bottom line -- I learned (again) that doing too much can take the joy out of your experience. I don't want to give the impression that the trip wasn't marvelous, it was, I am just a big relaxation princess when I travel. I didn't get enough of that.
I'll go through each city and share some stories and pictures. To kick things off, I have to laugh at Mark. It was a hectic day when we left. My family had all been in town to help me celebrate by big 4-0 and I had to drive my brother to the airport shuttle at 5:30 am. As I arrived home again, we noticed much to our dismay a big water leak in the water heater. So there was a lot of commotion and strategizing as we finalized things. As I always say to my clients, you can't plan for the unplannable!

My team knew the secret phone # in case of emergency. This is the first time I left on vacation for 3 weeks and it felt really good to just be completely in vacation mode!
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