Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Dream to Travel Europe

Ever since I graduated from college I have dreamed of going to Europe. At first, as a young and inexperienced traveler, I thought I'd hoist a back pack over my shoulder and sleep under the stars (or probably more like a hostel) as I hiked through Europe as my college graduation gift to myself.

That dream came and went as my best friend ditched me for a trip with her boyfriend.

But I never gave up on my dream. Once in a while, a friend would say, "We should plan a trip to Europe." I'd get all excited, envisioning all the beautiful places in Italy I wanted to see. Greece and France were also top on the list I imagined the canals of Venice, the cathedrals in Rome and the beautiful, green countryside filled with wine grapes. Or the white washed homes overlooking the ocean.

Every movie I watched that had Europe in called forth my pining even more. I longed to fulfill my dream, my vision, of experiencing this lifelong goal.

A few of my friends would go on a trip. I was green with envy devouring all of the details from their trip.

Last year I started talking about it again. I figured if I talked about it someone would want to go right? I mean, how hard could it be. I have a gazillion airline miles racking up and I kept asking myself, what am I waiting for? Again, the months went by and no trip.

As 2006 arrived I was determined to experience the trip of my dreams. I wrote down my goal as if it had already happened (using The Unstoppable Goals Method.) I shared my goal with my honey and he said, let's make it happen.

Well, it's happening. As a celebration of a very monumental birthday this year, I'm going on a 2 1/2 week journey throughout the Mediterranean.

I can't wait! But on a much more basic level, I'm really proud that I've FINALLY manifested my dream. I'll share more on the trip soon but for now, if you know of any great resources for researching great accommodations in Italy, France and Switzerland, I'd love to know. Just post it here.


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